4 Hints that reveal if your Officiant still has that loving feeling!
Wedding Officiants tend to get into the wedding service because they love sharing the love. It’s important to pick an Officiant who hasn’t lost that loving feeling! To ensure you are finding an Officiant who is going to offer you a wedding from the heart, here are a few key aspects to consider.
1. Curiosity: Have they asked about your love story? Are they really interested in getting to know the two of you as a couple and what you hope to feel on your wedding day? Will they offer a ceremony that reflects your tone, style, needs? Do they know your names?
2. Timing: If they are offering Officiant services as a business, a business is about making money. Often Officiants who are in the wedding industry for the wrong reasons will try and fit as many weddings into a day as possible, which means you may risk getting stood up if they need to skip your wedding to get to the next one. Couples should definitely ask how much time the Officiant is leaving between their wedding and the next. Also ask, if your service is running late, will they leave? (I’ve rescued two weddings this year alone with no-show Officiants!)
3. Patience: Wedding paperwork and legal matters can be confusing. Find an Officiant who is willing to be of assistance with explaining the paperwork, even after the wedding has happened. I find I do this best when couples are confused about how to expedite their marriage certificates.
4. Flexibility: The wedding should be about you, so being flexible with how you want your ceremony to be is important. As long as your ceremony meets the legal requirements in your area, a heart-felt Officiant service will do everything they can to ensure they offer you the experience that suits your needs. If they are sticky about changing anything, it’s because a cookie-cutter wedding is easy for them to execute.