Paperwork Only
A simple 'no fuss' meeting to complete the marriage licence, quickly and easily with 2 witnesses. (No rings, or vows, just basic elements to meet the Ontario Marriage Act.)
Its the perfect option for couples having destination weddings, or who legally need to get the marriage processed quickly (Expedite the Marriage Certificate Here). This also applies when having a friend perform your ceremony, as a less expensive option to City Hall Chambers.
Couples should arrive with their marriage licence and 2 witnesses at a location discussed in advance (prices depending on location, time, and day starting at $220/15 min). Your witnesses do no require ID and are welcome to take photos. If witnesses are not available, let The Marrying Lady know when booking ($35/witness). For an indoor location, see Studio Elopement.
To check availability, fill in the Contact Form or email: Your full names, phone numbers, date, time, and location to: tade@sheisthemarryinglady.com