Marriage Certificate
You are married, but where's the proof? After you say 'I do' you should contact the Registrar General to order your marriage certificate. Your certificate will not be available until they have received and processed your marriage licence, so don't panic if it reports that it doesn't exist.
When ordering, the $15 short form looks like an actual certificate, whereas the $22 long form is a photocopy of your licence (typically used by lawyers outside of Canada).
However, if you need your marriage certificate quickly, these steps may help expedite the processing of the certificate:
1. Write a letter requesting the Registrar General expedite the processing of the certificate. A sample letter is available on my blog.
2. Prepare copies of any documents which support your urgency: (passports, visas, airline tickets, wedding invitations, employment letters).
3. FAX letter and documents to the Registrar General (Numbers below are based on urgency)
Urgent Fax # 807-343-7459 e.g. Request to expedite the certificate quickly
Marriage Office Department # 807-343-7284 e.g. The actual Registrar's Office, but the faxes received here are not treated with urgency.
Emergency Fax # 807-343-7445 e.g. Facing deportation within 48 hrs, sudden illness