Vow Writing Template - Making personal wedding vow writing easy!
Updated: Feb 8, 2022
The good news is, your wedding vows are already done. You have them inside of you, they just need to written down. So, all you need to do is to pick one or two lines from each of the four sections below and finish the sentence in your own words:
Personalized Vows have four main sections: The past, the present, the future, and the promise.
(Name) I knew you were the one for me when you…
Before I met you, I thought being married would be…
On our first date we… and I felt….
I first fell in love with you the moment you, I realized…
I knew you were the one I wanted to marry when….
From the first moment I saw you…
What I admire most about you is….most beautiful, smart, and generous person
You make me feel like….anything is possible
I love spending time with you, taking care of…doing… planning
My life is better with you in it because (describe how)
I will never forget the time you (story)
You have give me a new perspective on
You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my …..
I look forward to a life of….
Together we will create a home full of….
I can't wait to spend the rest of my with you...exploring, eating, traveling, growing old together.
Today, in front of family and friends, I vow to be a good partner, the best doggy parent, your personal cook…
I vow to love you as you deserve to be loved: with respect, kindness…
I will take care and support, listen to your needs, feed you your favourite….etc) you as long as we both shall live.
I vow to take you seriously when you need to be taken seriously, and to laugh with you the rest of the time
I promise to encourage you to be everything you dream of becoming..
I, (Name), choose you, (Name), to be my _____. In front of our friends and family gathered here I promise to love and cherish you throughout the good times and bad times. I promise to try to remember to ….. and …..
I vow to remain loyal to you physically, emotionally and spiritually. And be by yourside as we grow old
(Name), I love you.
Done! Is this the only way to write your own vows? Absolutely not! You have a lot of freedom to make your vows your own, which can seem overwhelming. This is especially true if one partner is a great writer, and the other feels intimidated to match their level.
For those of us who like writing, you may not need this template, but for those of you don’t – you’re welcome!
I talk about this template with Australian Celebrant Pete on his podcast The Wedding Guide.

Photo Credit: Inna Yasinska