How to get married in Ontario - Step One
Are you allowed to marry?
Confirm you meet the minimum requirements for marriage. There are several rules surrounding who can get married in Ontario. You need to be of the right age and marital status before getting married. You must be at least 16 years old to marry in Ontario. If you are 16 or 17, you must have the written consent of both of your parents.

You may get married in Ontario if you are from another province or country as long as you meet Ontario's marriage requirements.
If you were previously married and divorced in Canada, you must have a court-certified divorce decree in the form of either a final decree, a final judgment, or a certificate of divorce.
If you became divorced in another country, you must obtain authorization from ServiceOntario -- the government agency which administers health cards, birth certificates, and marriage licenses -- before applying for a marriage license. ....You’ll need to fill out a marriage license application form and a statement of sole responsibility. You will also have to obtain a legal opinion letter from an Ontario lawyer stating why the divorce should be recognized in Ontario, and a court-certified divorce decree or annulment. Call 1-800-461-2156 for further information.