4 Tips for Managing Your Guests at Your Wedding

Photo Credit: Anastasia of @beautifullifestudios
You can consider 2022 as the year of love, since millions of couples are expecting to be wed this year. The Toronto Sun reports that about 2.5 million weddings are going to happen in North America this year, which is the highest record since 1984. While it’s truly an exciting time for numerous happy couples, it’s no secret that the wedding boom can make planning even more challenging for couples. Aside from thinking about vendors and schedules, couples also have to consider one key factor for their wedding: the guests. To make sure the event goes well for everyone, here are a few guest-wrangling tips: Be mindful when creating your own wedding list It’s not every day that you’ll get married to the love of your life, so take the time to list down the people that you want to celebrate with. Luckily, one of the major trends for weddings is the rejection of traditions. Brides are choosing their moms to accompany them to the altar, while other couples are even choosing male friends as their own “bridesmaids”. So if there are any familial obligations that are compelling you to invite people that you don’t like, you can think of this trend as a reminder that you alone decide who you want to share this precious moment with. Specify dress codes and other rules beforehand Now that you’ve finalised your guest list, you’ll need to communicate any important guidelines before the wedding date. One of the most crucial guidelines you should discuss is the wedding guest look, which everyone needs to follow. This is important so that your guests’ clothing matches the theme and doesn’t overpower you or your partner! To make it easier for your guests to find the right outfit, you can provide the colour theme of the wedding, the location of the venue, and even recommended styles and fabric options for your guests. Informing guests beforehand means it'll be much easier for them to remember and follow your guidelines. Work with your officiant during the ceremony It can be overwhelming to handle a big crowd on your big day, but luckily, you can work with your officiant in managing all your guests during the ceremony. Since this is one of the rare moments when your family and friends are gathered, you can ask your officiant to boost the participation of your wedding guests within the ceremony. Through your officiant's guidance, your guests will be encouraged to take the time to interact with one another and create a sense of community during your wedding day. This simple yet significant moment will make the environment much more positive, and fill the day with even more joy and love. Assign a trusted guest for conflict management Whether you’ve invited guests who aren’t on good terms, or you’re simply watching out for your loved ones, you can assign a trusted guest to handle any conflict during your wedding day. Psychologist Bonnie Maslin warns that good moments can bring up unresolved tensions between families, which could put your wedding at risk. The psychologist states that non-avoidance can actually help diffuse any tension, so you can enlist a trusted loved one to listen and handle the concerns of your guests. This allows your concerned loved ones to feel heard during your big day, while minimising any stress on both you and your partner. Your wedding deserves to be a day full of happiness. Through strategies like preparing your guests beforehand and enlisting the right people, you can ensure that everyone will be sporting a smile during your special day.
Written exclusively for Sheisthemarryinglady.com
by Ashley Cunningham
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